Thursday, December 28, 2006

I Was There

The onset of modern technology means that television programmes have never been cheaper to produce. After all, what is the point in spending large amounts of money on directors, film crews and technicians, or royalties to other production companies, when it is possible to produce a television programme entirely from ‘scraps’ of video footage taken by members of the public on their camcorders and mobile phones.

ITV’s flagship news review programme of 2006 does just this, the programme which is to be broadcast at 10pm on New Year’s Eve is called ‘I was there: The People's Review 2006’ and has been produced by Endemol UK from dozens of clips of video footage of the news events of the year, as taken by members of the general public.

I myself was invited to contribute to this programme with video footage of the media awaiting Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond’s exit from Leeds General Infirmary, which an Endemol researcher found on my YouTube page. Unfortunately I have never received confirmation that the footage is being used, which probably means that the footage wont be featured in the programme. Never the less, my video recorder will be set….just in case!

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